
Shopee Malaysia 独家推介honor 7A !6月8日9am起在Shopee购买只需RM429 !【新潮】

Shopee Malaysia 独家推介 Super honor Day the honor 7A 及 
Phantom Green honor 10

吉隆坡5日讯东南亚及台湾首屈一指的电子商务平台Shopee荣誉宣布与 Honor Malaysia 携手合作,配合201868日的Super honor Day大促销独家推介honor 7A Phantom Green honor 10科技爱好者可在促销活动中期待这两款手机的促销活动及优惠,店内所有honor产品皆提供高达30%折扣。
左起: Calvin Teng (邓友权), Category Manager of Shopee, Antonio Zhang (张弛)、 honor Malaysia E-commerce Director with Super honor Fan, Ahmad Khamis unveiling the price of the honor 7A ahead of the Super honor Day on 8th June 2018
Shopee区域执行董事何子翔(Ian Ho)如是表示, “延续 honor 9 Lite honor 10的成功推介,Shopee很荣幸继续与 honor Malaysia合作。双方的品牌都具备相同的愿景,即探索马来西亚电子商务行业最大的潜力,为我们日益增长的客户群提供最佳的客户体验。” “此外,Shopee也致力提供我们一直引以为傲的优惠那就是我们的全国免费运送、零(0)佣金、100%正品保证15天免费退货

 左起: Rachel Tan (陈燕玲), Head of Marketing Shopee, Calvin Teng (邓友权)、 Category Manager of Shopee, Antonio Zhang (张弛)、 honor Malaysia E-commerce Director, Zhao Zhiwei (赵智炜)、 Head of honor Malaysia and Super honor Fan, Ahmad Khamis unveiling the honor 7A and Phantom Green honor 10 ahead of the Super honor Day on 8th June 2018
 全新honor 7A被视为是下一个最具价值的大众市场智能手机,其5.7英寸FullView全面屏更贴合手掌。此款经济实惠的手机备有8MP前置摄像头,优质的自拍功能可让您拍下照片并与您的挚爱分享最真挚的记忆。
它还设有一个可持续使用一整天的3000mAh电池。这款智能手机使用EMUI 8.0变得更加智能,可提供更多智能功能。honor 7A拥有双SIM卡和SD卡插槽,方便用户使用。honor 7A将在ShopeeShocking Sale以及hihonor平台 以优惠价格RM429RRPRM479)售出。
The new honor 7A will be available on Shopee from 9:00am onwards on 8th June 2018 in limited quantities exclusively at only RM429 (RRP: RM479)
那些错过了上次honor 10优惠的用户也会兴奋地获悉,honor旗舰家族的最新成员 - Phantom Green honor 10hihonor平台与Shopee Super honor Day销售。于201868日前来的粉丝们不仅可以以1,599令吉获得Phantom Green款式,每购买一次还可获得价值298令吉的赠品,直到存货送完为止。

欲获知Super honor Day销售的优惠,请浏览:hihonor.com/myhttps://shopee.com.my/honormy.officialstore

欲知更多详情,请浏览hihonor.com/my https://shopee.com.my/

敬请到App StoreGoogle Play免费下载Shopee应用程式吧。 


Super honor Day Features the honor 7A and Phantom Green honor 10 
– Launched Exclusively on Shopee Malaysia

Up to 30% off all honor products

KUALA LUMPUR, 5 June 2018 - Shopee, the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, is proud to announce its collaboration with honor Malaysia to exclusively launch the honor 7A and Phantom Green variant of the honor 10 during the Super honor Day sale, taking place in Malaysia on 8 June 2018. Throughout the sale, tech lovers can expect flash sales for both these phones and great bargains with up to 30% discount on all honor products storewide.

“Shopee is very proud to continue its collaboration with honor Malaysia, building on the previous successful launches of the honor 9 Lite and honor 10. Both our brands share the same vision of exploring the fullest potential of Malaysia’s e-commerce industry, and to deliver best customer experience to our growing customer base,” said Ian Ho, Shopee’s Regional Managing Director. “In addition, Shopee is also committed to providing the same incentives we have always prided ourselves on; our Free Shipping across Malaysia, Zero (0) Commissions, 100% Authentic Product Guarantee and 15-Day Free Return.

“As a global leading smartphone e-brand for digital natives, our collaboration with Shopee makes sense, with their proven track record for providing a fuss-free, easy and convenient online shopping experience for users all across Malaysia. We always strive to make our quality, trendy and forward-thinking gadgets as accessible as possible, and working with Shopee gives all our honor fans the chance to ‘balik kampung’ with a performance-packed honor handset without burning a hole in their pocket,” said Zhao Zhiwei, Head of honor Malaysia.

The new honor 7A is slated to be the next best-value mass-market smartphone with its 5.7-inch FullView display that fits right in your hands. With a dual-lens camera packaged into this affordable handset which includes a 8MP front camera, quality selfies alongside all your fondest memories can be captured and shared with your loved ones.

It also boasts a 3000mAh battery that can last the entire day despite heavy usage. This smartphone has just gotten smarter with EMUI 8.0 that delivers an additional range of functional smart features. The honor 7A features a dual SIM and an SD card slot for users’ convenience. The honor 7A will be available via the hihonor platform as well as the honor Official Shop on Shopee at a special price during the Shocking Sale at only RM429 (RRP: RM479). 

Those who missed out on the previous honor 10 bargain will also be overjoyed to learn that the other iridescent variant of the latest addition to honor’s flagship family, the Phantom Green honor 10, will be available on hihonor and Shopee during the Super honor Day sale. Come 8 June 2018, fans can not only get the Phantom Green variant at RM 1,599, but receive freebies worth RM 298 with each purchase, while stocks last.
To reap the benefits of the Super honor Day sale, visit: hihonor.com/my or https://shopee.com.my/honormy.officialstore

For more information, visit www.hihonor.com.my or https://shopee.com.my/

Download Shopee app for FREE via App Store or Google Play.


I'm momo, Thank you for your patience, and if you have any questions, cooperation or event invitation, please contact me at momodesignstudio@hotmail.com. Thank you!




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