第三届AGELESS「冻龄」国际选美赛记者会【Press Release 发布】
QUI制作集团自2016年至今已经举办了两届AGELESS「冻龄」国际选美赛。QUI集团的创办人,Ms Ann Q表示,这场选美竞赛的主要目的是提供35岁以上的马来西亚女性一个具有独特性教育选美平台。对于中年或已婚妇女应该留在家里照顾家庭与小孩这番言论,她表示不赞同。她说,家庭主妇不应该一直处于舒服圈。年轻时因有太多的顾虑和烦恼因而有许多无法完成的愿望,至今这个AGELESS「冻龄」国际选美赛就是一个非常好的平台让这群女士展现自己最好的一面。
QUI制作团队董事总经理Ms Janis Chong补充,这项选美除了帮助她们重新建立自信心,同时也宣扬女性多元化的知性与美丽。她们相信,透过各方面的教育可改变一个人的内在与外在,将佳丽们打造成女性的代表,为自己建立一个健康及平衡的生活,而获奖佳丽可谓实至名归。
这场盛世也得到许多品牌的鼎力支持,主要赞助商Smart Beauty(Sophia), 记者会场地赞助Lewre, 选美竞赛场地赞助Pullman Hotel Bangsar, 各大厂商赞助Brighton Healthcare, Dramovie, Asia Metropolitan University, Celmonze, BeYoutiful, Farel Mikhail, Senzo。除此之外,各大媒体报章杂志《商海》,Rentak Sejuta, 《亚洲企業》,《创富天下》都对这场选美赛给予最大的支持。与此同时,现场除了许多参赛者的支持团队,历届的选美冠军也纷纷到场支持。2016年冻龄小姐-吴淑妮, 2017年冻龄小姐-值秀梅以及2017年典雅小姐李安谦也都在百忙之中抽空现身到记者会现场给予参赛者鼓励。现场可说是美女云集。
大家敬请期待!选美总决赛将于2018年10月27日,星期六,下午5点于Pullman Hotel Bangsar举行。欲知更多详情,可浏览AGELESS「冻龄」国际选美赛官方面子书。
大家敬请期待!选美总决赛将于2018年10月27日,星期六,下午5点于Pullman Hotel Bangsar举行。欲知更多详情,可浏览AGELESS「冻龄」国际选美赛官方面子书。
请联络 +6012-350 5577 或 +6016-976 2168.
请联络 +6012-350 5577 或 +6016-976 2168.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/agelessbeautypageant
Kuala Lumpur, 3rd July 2018 – Qui Production Group held its official announcement and press conference of the third edition of Malaysia’s most prestigious and unique beauty pageant Ageless International Beauty Pageant 2018, today at Nicsmann 1940s by Lewre BeSpoke, The Starling Mall. Themed “Goddess of Wisdom”, the pageant judges beyond the contestant’s appearances, by taking into consideration their character, academic and career achievements.
The winner of the crown will be rewarded with a RM30,000 prize, while the first, second, third and fourth runners-up will be receiving RM26,000, RM23,000, RM21,500 and RM21,000, respectively. The winner of the Classic Ageless International title, on the other hand, will be walking away with a prize worth RM25,000.
Ms Ann Q, the Founder of Ageless International Beauty Pageant said, “Ageless International Beauty Pageant isn’t just another pageant – this pageant aims to inspire, motivate and cultivate strength for the modern women through balancing family, career and societal obligations as well as responsibilities.” Ms Janis Chong, the Managing Director of Qui Production Group, “We are delighted to organize this pageant to capture the hearts and minds of fellow Malaysians and give them the recognition they truly deserve.”
Dato’ Lewre Lew, Branding Advisor for Ageless International Beauty Pageant 2018, reiterated, “We want to recognise these amazing women for their great contributions and that is why this platform is truly one-of-a-kind. The AIBP live up to its brand name on par with Lewre BeSpoke International brand recognition. We will tailor-made a pair of high heel according to the shape and size of the contestants for maximum comfort wear which is going to make them signature masterpiece in its own class.”
Professor Dato’ Dr. Jayles Yeoh, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Internationalisation) of Asia Metropolitan University said that the Ageless International Beauty Pageant provides the perfect platform for them to empower women in entrepreneurship. They are honoured to present a RM200,000 scholarship to the winners to further their business education at their university.
Meanwhile, Pullman Hotel Bangsar, who will be the venue sponsor of the beauty pageant expressed that they are proud to collaborate with Ageless International Beauty Pageant as the pageant recognizes and showcases the many talented, intelligent and beautiful Malaysian contestants who aspire to gain invaluable experiences on the world stage. The finale of this beauty pageant will be taking place on October 27, 2018, Saturday, at 5pm.
About Ageless International Beauty Pageant
Ageless International Beauty Pageant, held for the first time in 2016. For its 2018 edition, the beauty pageant will be sponsored by Smart Beauty (Sophia) as the main sponsors; while Brighton Healthcare, Dramovie, Asia Metropolitan University, Celmonze , BeYoutiful, Farel Mikhail, Senzo, Pullman Hotel Bangsar will be the supporting sponsors. Media partners include Asia Success Inc., Rentak Sejuta and Global Fortune magazine.
About Qui Production Group Sdn Bhd
Qui Production Group, armed with a solid vision to be the region’s leading event company for MICE needs, strives to provide the highest level of personalized and innovative event planning that satisfies clients’ every need and desire.
For tickets inquiry and purchase,
please contact +6012-350 5577 and +6016-976 2168.
please contact +6012-350 5577 and +6016-976 2168.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/agelessbeautypageant
I'm momo, Thank you for your patience, and if you have any questions, cooperation or event invitation, please contact me at momodesignstudio@hotmail.com. Thank you!