马来西亚区块链公司(CSD)成为本区域第一家宣布在美国首次公开募股(IPO)以便为上市纳斯达克股票交易所(NASDAQ)铺路【 Press Release 发布】
Malaysia owned Blockchain Company CSD becomes The First in the region to announce IPO in US as a step to NASDAQ

(吉隆坡24 日讯)马来西亚拥有的区块链公司(CSD)已宣布它将在美国首次公开募股(IPO),以便为上市纳斯达克股票交易所(NASDAQ)铺路,为本区域同类型公司首开先例。共有超过1500人出席了在吉隆坡民政大厦(Menara PGRM)举行的官方推展及签约仪式,主礼嘉宾包括雪州苏丹殿下的御妹Tengku Puteri Dato’ Seri Hajjah Zahariah Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Al-Haj、Dato’ Marina bt Hashim、CSD 的首席执行长Nathaniel King先生以及MAS Capital的首席资本家蔡逸群先生(Mr.Aaron Tsai)。
KUALA LUMPUR, 26th March 2018 – Malaysian owned blockchain company (CSD) has made its mark in the region by becoming the first of its kind to announce Initial Public Offering (IPO) in the United States, as a step to Nasdaq. The official launch and signing ceremony, held in Menara PGRM last weekend, attracted over 1,500 attendees. Sister of HRH Sultan of Selangor Yang Amat Mulia Tengku Puteri Dato’ Seri Hajjah Zahariah Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Al-Haj, Yang Hormat Dato’ Marina bt Hashim, CSD CEO Mr Nathaniel King and MAS Capital Chief Capitalist Mr Aaron Tsai were also present at the event as guests of honour.
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上图为CSD主席(Chairman)拿督斯里陈闻腍博士先生(Dato Sri Dr Patrick Tan) |
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上图为CSD 首席执行长(CEO) Nathaniel King先生 |
CSD 首席执行长Nathaniel King先生在该仪式上致词时,强调区块链基的投资公司在全球资本市场上市具有多重增长潜能。他说:
“典型的区块链基公司很可能透过在不同的平台上市而只拥有一种市场,而CSD 则不但在区块链基市场里供交易,也对资本市场有吸引力。我们已做好万全准备,以便在受欢迎的全球金融市场里首次公开募股(IPO)。”Speaking at the event, CSD CEO Nathaniel King stressed on the multi-growth potential of getting a blockchain-based investment listed in a global capital market. He said, “A typical blockchain-based company may have only one type of market, probably through listing in different platforms. With CSD, not only will it be available in a blockchain-based market, it appeals to the capital market as well. We are ready and well prepared to be listed as an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in popular global financial markets”.
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上图(左起)为CSD首席财务长(CFO)Mr. Angus Ogilvy, CSD顾问(Adviser)蔡逸群先生蔡逸群先生(Mr.Aaron Tsai), 以及CSD 首席执行长(CEO) Nathaniel King先生 |
The emergence of blockchain technologies have successfully created means for the global public to spend, invest and transfer wealth easily at a much cheaper cost. However, the current investment adoption by the public is still not as large compared to current financial instruments such as stocks and contract for difference (CFD).
The emergence of blockchain technologies have successfully created means for the global public to spend, invest and transfer wealth easily at a much cheaper cost. However, the current investment adoption by the public is still not as large compared to current financial instruments such as stocks and contract for difference (CFD).
CSD 认同CFD 是一项主流的交易投资,因此它创制了一个以区块链为基础的金融投资项目,其中包括一个尖端的CFD 交易平台。这个组合制造了一个革新的解决方案,能够进一步减低投资成本,实现高回酬效能及/或客制化投资组合以及为投资者提供个人化的理财服务。具备上述优点的原因是CSD 已确认目前受欢迎的投资工具如CFD 之类具有潜能,因此把它们带进各种区块链基市场和平台,这无疑将促使它们以越来越快的速率增长。
Recognizing that CFD is a mainstream trading instrument, CSD created a blockchain-based financial instrument which includes a state-of-the-art CFD trading platform. This combination creates an innovative solution that further reduces investment costs, high return efficacies and/or customized investment portfolios and personalized financial services for investors. These advantages are made possible as CSD identifies the potential of bringing current popular investment instruments like CFD to blockchain-based markets and platforms which undoubtedly will only grow at exponential rates.
Nathaniel also expressed his confidence that this winning combination will attract investors and traders who are currently active in mainstream investment/trading platforms whilst at the same time attract investors who are exposed to the prospect of investing in blockchain-based investment.
“Investing and trading in blockchain-based platforms are relatively new and foreign to many new aspiring individuals, which may prove unfamiliar and risky due to lack of understanding. This is in contrast with familiar investment instruments like CFD whereby the market is large and active,” stated Nathaniel.
The CEO added, “With CSD, the answer is simple: Why not both? By introducing a familiar market into blockchain-based exposure with tremendous growth potential, investors/traders can now enjoy best of both worlds with CSD.”
SOURCE : Global Creative Media Agency (GCMA)